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DDM Consultants
serving the Developmentally Disabled, Mentally Ill and their service providers

Expert consultation for leadership teams, attorneys, administrators, government representatives, Interdisciplinary teams, case managers, and caregivers serving the Developmentally Disabled and Mentally Ill in residential, community, institutional, homeless and transitional housing settings.

Our Services


DDM Consultants specializes in case advisement, audits, fundraising, programmatic writing, site inspections, training, legal alignment, and data driven report writing services tailored to meet contemporary institutional, transitional and community setting needs.


DDM provides risk assessments and solutions based on environmental safety, staffing ratios, behavioral management, incident records, accreditation compliance, person-centered care and more...


Comprehensive or focused audits of documentation, policies, practices, procedures, financials, utilization, and mitigate risks, achieve regulatory compliance and offset incidents.

 Program Writing

DDM's decades long experience writing care programs utilizes a blend of quantifiable, qualifiable, 

client-centered clarity that set the standard for best practices and programmatic efficacy today.


DDDM's fifty years of award winning experience equips administrative leads, managers, and staff to meet complex needs of those they serve in a work environment of dignity and trust inspired by informed insights.

Lobbying Fundraising

DDM's lead team's strategic lobbying and fundraising voice is designed to guide agencies in achieving their long-term goals and objectives.

Who We Are

Explore how DDM's decades of case experience coupled with data driven legal principled award winning cross industry excellence stands out in the niche of DD/MI care.

DDM is Person Centered

Studies show that people with developmental disabilities (DD) and mental illness often experience significant social stigma, leading to isolation, discrimination, and barriers to healthcare access.

Corrigan, P. W. (2004). How stigma interferes with mental health care. American Psychologist, 59(7), 614-625.

Contact Us

Contact Us
We look forward to hearing from you.

Developmentally Disabled, Mentally ill case management services

Quick Contact

Covered by Insurance?

Address. P.O. Box 4006, Bellevue, Washington 98009

Tel. (206) 569-8315


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